Mass and Office as normal henceforth except Compline at 7.30pm for now.

Journeying with us ... in discernment

‘Is there anyone here who longs for life?’

A Christian vocation is a call to fullness of life in Christ: a call heard in the deepest part of a person; sown at baptism, it invites a free and a whole-hearted response.

A Benedictine vocation is often portrayed as a search for God but is, first of all, God seeking us, ‘the Lord seeking his workers’ as it says in sixth-century Rule of St Benedict (Prologue). The image is of someone in the market place offering not a product but Life; eternal life; fullness of life, life in Christ, which brings deep joy.

The English Benedictine Congregation to which Stanbrook belongs has made a film to accompany ‘To Prefer Nothing to Christ’, its statement on the monastic mission of the EBC. You can view the film here:

Benedictine life is…

  • Lived at the heart of the Church
  • Sustained by the sacraments
  • Nourished the Word of God
  • A life of service in Community
  • Fed by personal and liturgical prayer
  • Focused on God
  • Reaching out to others through prayer & hospitality
  • Highly challenging

Benedictine life at Stanbrook is…

Rooted in tradition: contemplative prayer, lectio divina, Gregorian Chant (Latin and adapted to English), study, manual labour, arts, crafts, literary work, hospitality. For a typical day please see A Day in the Life page.

Open to the Spirit: working to adapt the 6th-century Rule of St Benedict to a 21st-century setting, we try to respond to current needs in the Church and the world, especially evangelisation, ministry to young people and openness to those of no faith who are seeking meaning in their lives.
Ecological concerns are also a priority.

Contact us

If you have a sense that you are being called to explore a monastic vocation or would like to discuss the process of discernment further we would like to help. Please contact us.