21 and 22 Oct, no public Compline; 22 October, no public Vigils or Midday Office

If the community be a large one…

If the community be a large one, let there be chosen out of it brethren of good repute and observant life, and let them be appointed deans. They shall take charge of their deaneries in all things, observing the commandments of God and the instructions of their abbot. And let such men be chosen as deans that the abbot may without anxiety share his burdens among them; and let them not be chosen by order, but according to their worthiness of life, learning and wisdom. Should any of these deans become puffed up with pride and be found worthy of censure, let him be corrected once, and a second, and a third time; if he will not amend, then let him be deposed from his office and another, who is worthy of it, put in his place. And we order the same to be done in the case of the prior.