Tues 7 Jan. No Mass today. Compline at 7.30pm ufn.

O Beauty, ever ancient, ever new

St Benedict would almost certainly have known these words of St Augustine, and they continue to raise the heart to God today.

Rooted in the ancient monastic tradition and transplanted to this stunning location, the Stanbrook Community invites you to join us in creating a new setting for our journey together into God’s eternal beauty. In these pages we wish to share something of the wonder of creation in the North Yorkshire Moors National Park and to make available some of the riches our Christian monastic heritage.

Benedictine life

Monastic life is a combination of many different elements and as Benedictines we try to keep these in balance and harmony so that we live in a way that reflects our commitment to Prefer Nothing Whatever to Christ.
We pray that in exploring this new website you will discover more about our way of life and different ways in which you can be supported in your faith and connected with us.

Please be patient as we grow in confidence and proficiency to add new content to the site.

Our shop

We sell a wide range of books and cards for all occasions. Some of the crafts practised by sisters in the community are also on sale, weaving, calligraphy, poetry and photography.
If you can’t find what you are looking for please do ask, we may be able to help!

Rule of St Benedict for the day

Therefore must we establish a school of the Lord’s service; in founding which we hope to ordain nothing that is harsh or burdensome. But if, for good reason, for the amendment of evil habit or the preservation of charity, there be some strictness of discipline, do not be at once dismayed and run away from the way of salvation, of which the entrance must needs be narrow. But, as we progress in our monastic life and in faith, our hearts shall be enlarged, and we shall run with unspeakable sweetness of love in the way of God’s commandments; so that, never abandoning his rule but persevering in his teaching in the monastery until death, we shall share by patience in the sufferings of Christ, that we may deserve to be partakers also of his kingdom. Amen.